Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pineapple Ginger Crisp-You have to try this!

Lavender and I decided to start this year off with a 30 day healthy eating plan. We are eating mostly whole foods, no white sugar, no artificial sweeteners, and no alcohol. We are also starting yoga on Monday! It’s our plan so if we decide to eat that piece of chocolate or taste that adult beverage there’s no shame. The 30 days is what we make of it. What surprises me are the unsupportive people.  I have people putting cookies in my face trying to get me to eat one. This is one of those no big deal things in my life but it takes me back to two very big deals that involved unsupportive people.
The first is when I went to college. More than one person told me I was being selfish and not thinking of my child. I was also told I would fail. They said there was no way I would be able to go to school full time, raise my child, and work full time. I did. I raised a beautiful child and we both graduated with honors. It would have been nice if I didn’t have to second guess myself along the journey… if I didn’t have to wonder if me having goals and doing what needed to be done to achieve them were selfish.
The second was after I ran my first 5k. This guy that I knew congratulated me. I said thank you and then told him my plan to run the Chicago Marathon the next year. He actually laughed in my face and then while still laughing told me that I was getting a little ahead of myself. I was embarrassed. Honestly though, when I crossed the marathon finish line I didn’t think about him.
Why do we do crush people? Why do put tear each other down? If someone tells you a dream or hope, just try not to take it away from them. Try just asking “is there anything I can do to help?”
Back to this 30 day challenge, we are in week one and the payoff for me has been my new food invention. Pineapple Ginger Crisp, it’s so good.
1 fresh pineapple peeled and chopped
2 inches of fresh ginger, grated
1cup oatmeal
½ cup pineapple juice
1 very ripe banana
1tblsp coconut oil
Cook ginger with coconut oil on low heat for about 5 minutes, add pineapple to the pan and cook for another minute. In a bowl mix oatmeal, pineapple juice, and banana. In an ungreased pan add the pineapple mixture and top it with the oatmeal mixture. Bake at 350 for about 40 minutes.